There's more than one way to do it

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There's more than one way to do it (TMTOWTDI or TIMTOWTDI, pronounced Tim Toady) is a Perl programming motto. The language was designed with this idea in mind, in that it “doesn't try to tell the programmer how to program.” As proponents of this motto argue, this philosophy makes it easy to write concise statements like

print if 1..3 or /match/

or the more traditional

if (1..3 or /match/) { print }

or even the more verbose:

use English;
if ($INPUT_LINE_NUMBER >= 1 and $INPUT_LINE_NUMBER <= 3 or $ARG =~ m/match/) {
    print $ARG;

This motto has been very much discussed in the Perl community, and eventually extended to There’s more than one way to do it, but sometimes consistency is not a bad thing either (TIMTOWTDIBSCINABTE, pronounced Tim Toady Bicarbonate).[1]

In contrast, part of the Zen of Python is, "There should be one— and preferably only one —obvious way to do it."[2]

See also

  • Extensible programming
  • Don't repeat yourself
  • You aren't gonna need it


  1. ^ Wang, John (2009-01-24). "Can EPO (or TPF) tame TIMTOWTDI?". Dev411 Blog. Archived from the original on 28 July 2012. Retrieved 2019-07-15.
  2. ^

External links

Edited: 2021-06-18 14:29:40