Online integrated development environment

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An online integrated development environment,[1] also known as a web IDE[2] or cloud IDE,[3] is a browser based integrated development environment. An online IDE can be accessed from a web browser, such as Firefox, Google Chrome or Internet Explorer, enabling software development on low-powered devices that are normally unsuitable. An online IDE does not usually contain all of the same features as a traditional desktop IDE, only basic IDE features such as a Source code editor with syntax highlighting. Integrated Version control and Read–Eval–Print Loop(REPL) may also be included.

Online IDE's can be further categorized into professional and educational.



  1. ^ Tunc, Hakan; Taddese, Addisu; Volgyesi, Peter; Sallai, Janos; Valdastri, Pietro; Ledeczi, Akos (2016). "Web-based Integrated Development Environment for Event-Driven Applications". SoutheastCon 2016: 1–8. doi:10.1109/SECON.2016.7506646. ISBN 978-1-5090-2246-5. Retrieved 22 July 2019.
  2. ^ Yulianto, Budi; Prabowo, Harjanto; Kosala, Raymond; Hapsara, Manik (2017). "Harmonik = ++(Web IDE)". Procedia Computer Science, Pages. 116: 222–231. doi:.
  3. ^ Fylaktopoulos, G.; Goumas, G.; Sotiropoulos, A.; Maglogiannis, I. (16 January 2016). "An overview of platforms for cloud based development". SpringerPlus. 5 (38): 38. doi:10.1186/s40064-016-1688-5. PMC . PMID 26835220.

Edited: 2021-06-18 15:19:25